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Sunday, January 9, 2011


This animal  live on land. It's cousin is the Mammoth . An adult can weigh tons. There was a Mammoth called the Whely mammoth and he looks a lot like the elephant looks today but is extinct. If you traveled to Africa you will see many Elephants. Don't go near them because they need their room to live. Did you know that elephants are symbols of wisdom ? 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hello, My name is Quintlin and these are my animal facts.

Hello! I would like to share with you some of my animal facts. If you become a follower, I will add your facts to mine so every body can learn things about animals.

 I love sea animals, animals that fly and thoes that do not fly. This bird likes me too. He is not mine but he was very frindly. It allowed me to feed him.  

I love to get into the water and get a closer veiw of the fish. Do not try this by your self. Make sure your parents are with you and get permission from them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Spider Crab

The Spider Crab has the largest leg span of any arthropod reaching 3.8 meters. That is 12 feet. They can weigh up to 41 pounds. They are mostly found in Japan. They have been found as deep as 2000 feet. They eat shellfish and animal carcasses. Did you know it can live up to 100 years?

It is a Lion fish.

A Lion fish is a venomous marine fish. He is also know as a Turkey fish, Scorpion fish and a Fire fish. They have very long separated spines. As you can see they are striped in appearence. They mostly live in the Indo-Pacific region. They are seen in many parts of the world. It can grow up to 12 inches. Their dorsal spines are venomous and are used for defense. Did you know that Captain Picard who plays on Star-Trek owns a lion fish name Livingston?

Sea Dragons not Sea Horses

This is a Sea Dragon. He looks a lot like a sea horse. Is'nt he beautiful. They are found mostly in Australia. Their name came from it's appearence. It floats like a sea weed. They eat plankton and small sea crastaceans. The male sea dragons care for the eggs. The female can produce up to 250 bright pink eggs and deposit them on the males tail. It takes about nine weeks for them to hatch Durning that time the eggs turn bright purple. Only 5% of the eggs survive. Did you know that Sea Dragions are the offical marine emblem of South Australia and is protected by the Federal Goverment of Australia because they are endangered through human polution. 

Jelly Fish, some big , some small, some are giants.

There are oveer 200 species of Jellyfish. They are found in every ocean from the surface to the deep seas. Jellyfish do not have a brain or central nervous system but the do have a loose network of nerves located in the epidermis it's called a nerve net. Jellies can deliver deadly stings to humans on coastal waters. Did you know that Jellyfish are composed of more than 90% water?

Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictors do not chew their food. They swallow their food whole. They love to eat big and small animals. First it grabs its pray with its jaws. Then it uses its body to wrap around its prey. Once the prey has stopped breathing, the Boa finishes his meal. Usually, the Boa Constrictor swallow his meal head first. This one is resting right now. Did you know that a Boa Constrictor Snake could live off of his meal for months if the meal is large enough?  

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sting Rays are related to sharks. You may feed only the small ones.

They are frendly too. Their tails are used for self-defence. Stingrays can reach a length of 6ft and sometimes longer. Their usual reaction is to flee away from any disturbance. They feed on mollusks and crustaceans. Sometimes they eat small fish. They use small electro-receptors to find their prey. It's tail has a poisonous barb on the end of it. Did you know that Ancient Greek dentists used the venom from the stingrays spine as an anesthetic?

My pet Red Ear Slider

The Red Ear Slider Turtle get it's name from the distinctive red mark around  his ears and they slid off rocks and logs very quickly. They are almost entirely aquatic but they leave the water to bask in the sun or to lay eggs. They are aware of people and usually shy away from them. This turtle is a great pet and is very frendly. He does not play about his food. Did you know that thay do not have saliva glands? This means they must eat in water?

Macaws are beautiful.

Macaws are small to large in size. They are very colorful. These birds are native to Mexico, Central America and South America. Their first and fourth toes points backwards. Macaws eat a variety of foods like fruits, palm fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves, flowers, and stems.  Food eaten by them in the wild are easy to digest. Did you know that Macaws use a clay lick at times. Studies have shown a correlation between clay lick use and breeding season.

Macaws comes in many different colors and sizes.

This is one is a small one that loves Quintlin.

These are Horse Shoe Crabs

He looks pretty bad ha?? But he did not bite me and he was very friendly. There were many more where this one came from.

This is a Horse Shoe Crab

This Horse Shoe Crab is an arthropod that live in the shallow parts of  the ocean. They sometimes come to shore for mating. They are closely related to the spider and scorpion family.  They look crustaceans , but are actually chelicerata. They have five pairs of legs for walking. They eat worms and mollusks. Females grow larger than males. Horse Shoe Crabs do not have hemoglobin in their body. Hemoglobin is the stuff that makes blood red. So their blood is not red it is blue. When they feel threatened, they move into groups to make themselves look like one bigger animal. Their hard shell protest them from being eaten. Did you know that the Horse Shoe Crab has changed remarkably little in the past 250 million years.